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Frequently Asked Questions
(For Organisations)
Progressive organisations have approached us to learn how the MasterCoach App and our flagship Enterprise Coaching Programme (ECP) can add value to their leadership development, coaching and culture transformation initiatives. We have compiled the top questions asked by their HR, L&D, Talent Management, and Organisational Strategy leaders.
Should you have further questions that we can help with, we'd be glad to. Contact us
Coaching teams for growth & peak performance is where our managers need to succeed. How can MasterCoach activate managers to coach - & keep at it?MasterCoach equips managers as confident workplace coaches who can coach for greater performance in less time. The MasterCoach Enterprise Coaching Programme (ECP) equips managers with a field-tested workplace coaching flow to structure and facilitate every performance conversation, in as little as 10 minutes, and in a way that – - Honours and activates employees’ strengths, - Draws out actionable insights from them, - Encourages buy-in to take focused action towards goals. Post-training, the MasterCoach App supports managers to actively apply the new coaching behaviours – without defaulting to the old habit of ‘telling’. Request for a free consultation and exclusive app demo:
Our organisation has an existing coaching model & framework in place. How can the MasterCoach App complement this, & help us scale & sustain coaching across the wider organisation?"The MasterCoach App is designed to be a versatile and ‘non-prescriptive coaching tool’. It can be used in conjunction with any other coaching frameworks (eg. GROW Model, etc.). Ready coaching templates are available in the app for managers to use should they wish to. The MasterCoach App’s key value-add is to help your managers facilitate a robust follow-through of agreed coaching actions by employees in the interval time between coaching sessions. Coaching succeeds or fails depending on whether action-taking happens between sessions. Coaching programmes are only as successful as managers applying coaching behaviours post-workshop. And coaching employees is effective to the extent that robust action-taking happens post-coaching. MasterCoach bolts sustainability to your coaching initiatives by equipping managers to facilitate consistent follow-through of action steps by employees in-between coaching sessions. Learn more about our Enterprise Coaching Programme (ECP) that onboards managers on the use of the MasterCoach App:
Our corporate brand is the heart-&-soul & focal point for everyone in the organisation. Can the MasterCoach App be customised to reflect our brand & unique needs?We generally advise clients to start small - with a pilot using the standard MasterCoach App - and consider customisation at the next stage where they are ready to scale the use of the app across their wider management population. The MasterCoach App can be customised in two ways: 1. Brand customisation – allows the app’s look-and-feel to reflect the organisation's brand identity and corporate colours. This can support a consistent visual identity of the MasterCoach App and your wider culture and digital transformation initiative. 2. Feature customisation – is possible. Examples include the incorporation of your organisation’s coaching model into the app for your manager’s reference and use during coaching, or the inclusion of your core competency model into the app’s assessment feature, etc.
Leading remote teams, effectively engaging employees online - requires our managers to be re-skilled & re-tooled for success in the new normal. How can MasterCoach help?"The MasterCoach App, by design, offers managers handy digital coaching tools to coach remote teams – anytime and anywhere. In addition, a free MasterCoach ‘Client App’ is offered to every employee being coached by the managers. MasterCoach’s unique app-to-app setup facilitates truly engaging real-time coaching partnerships between managers and employees. The MasterCoach Enterprise Coaching Programme (ECP), offered online, onboards managers on the use of the MasterCoach App. It imparts a field-tested workplace coaching flow which managers can easily use to facilitate performance check-ins with their teams – onsite or online.
We organise lots of leadership training & coaching initiatives. But there's little demonstrable measurement of their impact on performance. How can MasterCoach help measure ROI?The MasterCoach Coaching Insights Reports, available by subscription, provide HR and senior management with 24/7 self-service access to real-time data and insights on the coaching efficacy of managers using the MasterCoach App to coach employees. Specifically, the reports indicate the: - Number of employees being coached by each manager, - Frequency of coaching per manager, - Progress made towards KPI/OKR goals by employees being coached. Hence, our reports can support HR to facilitate a line-of-sight between training – coaching – business impact. Reports are factually accurate as they draw data generated from app usage by managers and employees. Preserving the confidentiality of coaching conversations is a key priority – hence, reports only present aggregated information and non-confidential individual information such as coaching action items, but not the details of coaching conversations. We'd be happy to share more about our coaching analytics and insights reports with you. Reach us at:
Data security is a big thing for us. How does MasterCoach keep our coaching data safe & secure?MasterCoach uses DigitalOcean, LLC cloud servers to host & store our users' coaching data. DigitalOcean is certified in the international standard ISO/IEC 27001:2013 for the protection of customer information ( DigitalOcean supports the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) & complies with its provisions. For an initial MasterCoach Pilot, we recommend the use of our standard servers for coaching data storage & access. In subsequent roll-out to your wider management population, you may consider the option of hosting coaching data on your in-house server for integrated security and monitoring by your IT team.
We're keen to give MasterCoach a try. What additional benefits can our managers & employees expect from joining a MasterCoach Pilot?All managers participating in the MasterCoach Programme get access to our curated library of 300 Coaching Questions, conveniently accessible within their MasterCoach App, to enhance their coaching. Whether it be coaching for performance, developing talent, managing change, interviewing candidates, processing a conflict, or making training stick – your managers will find ready coaching questions here which they can pick-&-drop into a clipboard for easy reference when their coaching sessions with team members rolls around. All employees coached by managers participating in the MasterCoach Programme receive the free MasterCoach ‘Client App’. MasterCoach’s app-to-app connection supercharges the manager-employee coaching partnership & supports every managers to help their teams play to strengths, take action & win results.
We want to onboard our first batch of managers as confident workplace coaches & effective users of the MasterCoach App. How do we move forward?Step 1 Get in touch with us for an initial, complimentary consultation. We want to hear from you – (1) on the key context surrounding your interest in a workplace coaching solution, & your expectations for piloting the MasterCoach programme & app, & (2) please ask us any questions about our solution at this introductory session. (Reach us at: Step 2 Schedule the MasterCoach Enterprise Coaching Programme (ECP) for a pilot group of managers (up to 16 persons). The ECP is our flagship workplace coaching programme for onboarding busy managers as confident app-powered workplace coaches. The programme comprises of 3 x 3-hour online sessions, & one session is conducted per week. Step 3 We will activate & deploy the MasterCoach App directly onto each participating manager’s mobile device (phone or tablet). There is no need for any additional action on your part in this process. Step 4 Your managers complete the ECP online programme within 3 weeks and become certified Enterprise Coaches. After the programme, managers can continue to use the MasterCoach App to coach their teams & deepen their comfort & proficiency with the new coaching behaviours. Every team member being coached enjoys the use of the free MasterCoach ‘Client App’. Step 5 We are available on a consultation basis to support a post-pilot evaluation and action planning for eventual roll-out to the rest of your organisation.
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